Indian Cancer Genome Atlas introduces the country?s first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal
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Indian Cancer Genome Atlas introduces the country?s first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal

The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) is a national initiative aimed at mapping the genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic profiles of cancers in India. It recently launched India’s first comprehensive multi-omics cancer data portal, providing open access to clinically relevant information from Indian cancer patients. This platform is designed to transform cancer research and treatment tailored to Indian populations.

Historically, cancer treatments in India have relied on Western datasets, which may not reflect the molecular characteristics of Indian cancers. The ICGA seeks to create Indian-specific datasets for personalized treatment protocols. The portal currently includes data from 50 breast cancer patients, with plans to expand to over 500.

Key features include its foundation on the cBioPortal platform, free access under PRIDE guidelines, and a commitment to advancing precision oncology for Indian patients. The ICGA invites global researchers to collaborate in enhancing this vital resource for cancer research.