NIH-funded study highlights long Covid affects younger children differently than adolescents
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NIH-funded study highlights long Covid affects younger children differently than adolescents

Scientists studying long Covid in youth identified distinct symptom patterns in school-age children (ages 6-11) and adolescents (ages 12-17). Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in JAMA, the study is part of the RECOVER Initiative to understand and address long Covid, which involves lingering symptoms after a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The study included 3,860 children and adolescents with a history of infection and 1,516 uninfected peers. Caregivers reported symptoms lasting at least 90 days post-infection. Researchers identified specific symptom combinations for each age group, forming a long Covid research index.

Common symptoms in children included headaches, memory issues, and stomach pain, while adolescents often reported fatigue, pain, and anxiety. The study highlighted the importance of age-specific research, finding unique symptom patterns across age groups.

The research index is intended for study purposes and will be refined as more data becomes available. The dataset will be released on NHLBI BioData Catalyst.