Qure.ai study highlights AI helps doctors treat stroke faster
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Qure.ai study highlights AI helps doctors treat stroke faster

Qure.ai recently demonstrated how AI can improve stroke care in a study with Baptist Christian Hospital (BCH) in Tezpur, Assam. The study, "AI-based Automated CT Brain Interpretation to Accelerate Treatment for Acute Stroke in India," tested the qER AI solution to enhance stroke diagnosis and treatment in remote areas.

Stroke is a major cause of death and disability worldwide, with India ranking it as the third leading cause of death. The critical Golden Hour—within the first 60 minutes after a stroke—is crucial for effective treatment. BCH Tezpur, a charitable hospital without in-house neurologists, relies on tele-radiology, which delays stroke diagnosis.

The qER solution quickly analyzes head CT scans, significantly speeding up diagnosis. The study showed that AI reduced treatment time by 27% and achieved 97% accuracy in ruling out bleeds in suspected cases, highlighting its potential to improve stroke care in resource-limited settings.