VitusCare motivates female patients to undergo regular dialysis on the occasion of Women?s Equality Day
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VitusCare motivates female patients to undergo regular dialysis on the occasion of Women?s Equality Day

On Women's Equality Day, VitusCare reaffirms its commitment to gender equality and inclusivity in healthcare. The company has launched initiatives to support female employees and improve healthcare access for women, especially in underserved Tier 2, 3, and rural areas. Women in these regions often face barriers to regular dialysis, partly due to a predominantly male technician staff. To address this, VitusCare is deploying female technicians to its dialysis centers, creating a more welcoming environment and providing local employment opportunities. This approach has increased female patient visits, with some centers now seeing an equal number of male and female patients. Founded in 2017, VitusCare is transforming dialysis services in India, focusing on affordability and accessibility to improve care for those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The company operates over 50 centers, expanding its reach in North and Central India.