WHO introduces guidance on conducting reviews of tuberculosis programmes
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WHO introduces guidance on conducting reviews of tuberculosis programmes

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued guidance on conducting tuberculosis (TB) programme reviews to enhance multisectoral TB responses. Released alongside the WHO's 2022 guidance for national TB strategic planning, it draws from stakeholders' experiences.

TB programme reviews evaluate performance, improve quality, enhance accountability, and inform national planning. Web annexes A and B offer tools like checklists and templates. Annex C updates the implementation guide for TB epidemiological reviews, targeting organizers and implementers including external consultants, National TB Program (NTP) members, and WHO staff.

This guidance ensures quality review mechanisms to monitor progress towards End TB Strategy targets and those set in the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on the Fight Against TB. It supports resource advocacy, efficient utilization, and underscores the urgency of effective monitoring in the global TB fight