ViaLase obtains CE Mark for its ViaLase Laser, a femtosecond laser for treatment of glaucoma
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ViaLase obtains CE Mark for its ViaLase Laser, a femtosecond laser for treatment of glaucoma

ViaLase, Inc., a clinical-stage medical technology company, has received CE Mark approval in the European Union for its ViaLase Laser, designed to treat adult patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).

The ViaLase Laser combines femtosecond laser precision with micron-level image guidance to offer a noninvasive, incision-free treatment called femtosecond laser, image-guided, high-precision trabeculotomy (FLigHT). This method addresses the need for a non-pharmacologic alternative without compromising therapeutic goals.

ViaLase will begin a selective commercial roll out later this year, partnering with Global Surgical Service (Spain and Portugal) and Teleon Surgical (Germany and Austria) to ensure efficient distribution.

Glaucoma, affecting 76 million people worldwide and expected to reach 112 million by 2040, is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. ViaLase aims to transform glaucoma treatment with its innovative, noninvasive technology.