Chronic diseases result into hidden epidemic of hearing loss in India, cautions experts
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Chronic diseases result into hidden epidemic of hearing loss in India, cautions experts

As India grapples with a surge in chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, another concern—hearing loss—is quietly emerging. According to Raja S., an audiologist and founder of Hearzap, these chronic conditions are driving a hidden epidemic of auditory impairments across the country.

Hearing loss is not solely caused by aging or noise exposure; it is often linked to chronic diseases. People with diabetes, for instance, are twice as likely to suffer hearing damage, while conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease can restrict blood flow to the ear, causing irreversible hearing loss.

Additionally, certain medications used to manage chronic diseases, such as antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs, are ototoxic, potentially damaging hearing over time. This highlights the need for healthcare providers to explore alternative treatment options to safeguard auditory health. Preventive measures like regular hearing check-ups and lifestyle changes are crucial.