HeartFlow introduces plaque analysis platform for coronary artery disease
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HeartFlow introduces plaque analysis platform for coronary artery disease

HeartFlow has launched the next-generation HeartFlow Plaque Analysis platform to improve clinical decision-making for suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). This advanced tool integrates with FFRᴄᴛ, providing a comprehensive view of a patient’s plaque burden to enable personalized treatment plans.

The new platform offers clinicians a non-invasive method to quantify and characterize plaque in the coronary arteries. By analyzing CT angiogram (CCTA) scans, it generates a detailed 3D model of the arteries, highlighting plaque volume and type.

A key feature of the platform is its integration of plaque quantification with lesion-specific FFRᴄᴛ values. This interactive experience presents a 3D plaque model and thorough analysis, encompassing various plaque types such as calcified, non-calcified, and low attenuation.

Additionally, the platform can display cross-sectional, color-coded images of each plaque type along the vessel. HeartFlow states that the Plaque Analysis achieves a high accuracy level, with a 95% agreement for total plaque volume measures compared to the gold standard IVUS.