IASST scientists design new smart sensor for adjustment of drug dosage to manage Parkinson?s disease
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IASST scientists design new smart sensor for adjustment of drug dosage to manage Parkinson?s disease

Scientists at the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST) have developed a portable, smartphone-based fluorescence sensor to manage Parkinson's disease. This affordable device accurately measures L-dopa levels, helping to determine the optimal dosage for disease control.

Parkinson’s disease leads to a decrease in dopamine due to neuron loss. L-dopa, which converts to dopamine, is used to manage this deficiency. Proper dosage is crucial; too much L-dopa can cause side effects, while too little can worsen symptoms.

The sensor uses a fluorescence turn-on mechanism to detect L-dopa in samples like blood plasma, sweat, and urine. It features a silk-fibroin-coated graphene oxide nanoparticle system and operates with a smartphone app and a 365nm LED light to measure color changes.

This cost-effective tool is ideal for rapid on-site testing, particularly in remote areas without advanced medical facilities.