Immunovia completes development of its pancreatic cancer detection test
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Immunovia completes development of its pancreatic cancer detection test

Immunovia, a pancreatic cancer diagnostics company, has announced enhanced performance for its next-generation test, designed to detect stage 1 and 2 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC) in high-risk individuals. Early detection at these stages can enable curative treatments.

On April 22, 2024, Immunovia reported positive results from its initial study, and subsequent improvements have increased the test’s sensitivity to 85% and specificity to 98%. This means the test can accurately detect early-stage pancreatic cancer in 6 out of 7 cases and yields only one false positive per 50 tests.

The test’s performance was independently validated by ACOMED and demonstrated 91% sensitivity in patients aged 65 and older, an important group since the average age of PDAC diagnosis is near 70 years. The study included 624 samples, with 129 from early-stage PDAC patients and 495 from high-risk individuals. Immunovia is focused on developing simple, blood-based tests for early pancreatic cancer detection.