Intuitive gets FDA clearance for new da Vinci robot
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Intuitive gets FDA clearance for new da Vinci robot

Intuitive Surgical has obtained 510(k) clearance from the Food and Drug Administration for its fifth-generation robotic surgery system, aimed at maintaining its leading market position amidst upcoming competition. The da Vinci 5 system integrates sought-after features, including tissue feedback simulation, a smaller footprint in the operating room, and improved console ergonomics. With competitive challenges from Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, and emerging startups, Intuitive is gearing up for the competition. The new system, for which Intuitive submitted an FDA application in January, incorporates tremor controls for enhanced surgical precision, superior imaging, increased computing power, and streamlined workflow functions. These enhancements are expected to improve patient outcomes, save time, and reduce healthcare costs. Intuitive plans to introduce the new robot initially to a select group of U.S. customers involved in its development and those with established robotic surgery programs.