GE HealthCare unites with OSF HealthCare to serve patients and communities through extensive care solutions
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GE HealthCare unites with OSF HealthCare to serve patients and communities through extensive care solutions

GE HealthCare unites with OSF HealthCare to serve patients and communities through extensive care solutions

GE Healthcare and OSF HealthCare have partnered to enhance patient care across Illinois and Michigan. This collaboration aims to improve operational efficiencies and standardize care delivery through innovative technology and expertise. Over 10 years, the alliance plans to expand digital solutions to benefit over a million patients.

The partnership focuses on two key areas:

  • Foundational Alliance: Investments in technology systems and digital tools across various care areas such as nuclear medicine and oncology. Pointcore and GE Healthcare will collaborate to manage medical equipment effectively.
  • Innovative Investment Approach: Utilizing advanced analytics to streamline capital management, enabling reinvestment in patient care. OSF HealthCare will implement GE Healthcare's Digital Expert Access, enabling remote patient scanning on MRI devices, and reducing wait times.

The collaboration aims to scale personalized care, particularly in oncology, by identifying clinical and technological opportunities. The ultimate goal is to increase access to quality care for all patients, regardless of location.