Latest survey from Abbott reveals epidemiologists believe viral and mosquito-borne pathogens are priority concerns for disease outbreaks
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Latest survey from Abbott reveals epidemiologists believe viral and mosquito-borne pathogens are priority concerns for disease outbreaks

Abbott’s global survey of infectious disease experts highlights persistent gaps in pandemic preparedness, despite improvements since COVID-19. Commissioned by the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition, the survey gathered insights from over 100 virologists, epidemiologists, and infectious disease specialists. Key concerns include insufficient pathogen surveillance, public health funding, and testing infrastructure.

Experts identified viral pathogens as the greatest threat, particularly mosquito-borne diseases like Zika and dengue, which are becoming more prevalent due to climate change. As temperatures rise, mosquitoes carrying these diseases are spreading to new regions, posing a global health risk.

To address these challenges, the experts emphasized the need for investments in surveillance programs, public health infrastructure, testing capabilities, and workforce development. Public-private partnerships, such as the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition and the Global Virus Network (GVN), are working to strengthen outbreak detection and response systems. The survey ran between April and June 2024 with voluntary, anonymous participation.