NIMHANS Mental Health Santhe 2.0" establishes new benchmarks in mental health awareness
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NIMHANS Mental Health Santhe 2.0" establishes new benchmarks in mental health awareness

NIMHANS Mental Health Santhe 2.0" establishes new benchmarks in mental health awareness

NIMHANS' 'Mental Health Santhe 2.0' raised the bar for mental health awareness in India, uniting individuals, organizations, and communities to tackle pressing mental health issues. The event promoted collaboration, education, and advocacy, fostering understanding of available services, reducing stigma, preventing suicides, and improving mental health literacy.

Partnering with leading mental health organizations and community allies like Augmenta Health and Richmond Fellowship Society India, NIMHANS attracted key stakeholders' participation. Various NIMHANS departments provided valuable mental health information and resources through 75 stalls featuring interactive activities.

NIMHANS also released Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials, including posters and brochures, to spread crucial mental health information. The event showcased performances from the top three entries of the Flash Mob contest, themed 'Mental Health as a Universal Human Right.'

Winners of the Flash Mob, poster-making, and Short Film contests were celebrated, highlighting mental health as a universal human right.